Tenaya is a sweet chestnut Quarter Horse who has taught many kids and adults the first level of Parelli Horsemanship and given many lessons also. She has had some issues with her teeth recently and could really benefit from regular love and getting out and moving around. She walks, trots and canters and if she is able to keep up her weight, we hope that she will be doing riding lessons again soon. She is Arkham’s rock and main squeeze so at the moment you won’t see them too far from each other.
Bodywork with Tenaya can be done slowly and carefully. She lets you know when she can’t do something but is willing to try when you soften at the right moment. She is expressive and has the ability to lead you to the right area that she wants work done. On horses that move a bit slower, it helps me to move slower too and to pay close attention to what she is saying. She has seen it all so she is used to covering up discomfort and that is why going slow with her pays off because you can see when she flinches or feels something. Then wait for that release and she will bring it.
Tenaya can move off of simple body position and a meaningful ask. She has a nice walk, trot and canter and can move faster than you think.
In this picture I was asking her to release tension in her right shoulder and keep the weight off of the front foot as I set is down and slowly moved the leg back and forth from the elbow. This is a great way to release tension in the pectorals, thoracic sling, shoulder and withers. The right side was a little more difficult that day but she was able to rest it and let the whole leg move fluidly.
Nothing better than a good roll! Tenaya likes to let Arkham do all the running around while she has a sun bath. Helping her feel better has been the recovery goal for her along with movement and food she doesn’t have to work too hard to chew on.