The award for most expressive horse has to go to Galina. Her face says everything about how she is feeling and at times she can explode around the arena. Two minutes later she will almost cuddle up in your lap. She is an Andalusian Cross and has a lot of power in her motor. She is really fun to work with and never tries to run you over, she just needs to be convinced that you know what you are doing. She is so much fun to train and work with and watching everything all at once.
What I have learned about horses is that working with reactive horses requires greater sensitivity. It feels like they need to be exposed to more things and ‘toughened up’ but really they need to be heard. At first, Galina uses very subtle communication when she is uncomfortable. I have to slow down and let her know that I am not going to push her further into being more uncomfortable.
Like this photo I am working about 6 inches away from her jawline groove. First I touched the area and she stiffened right up. Since I want her not to brace, I need to see those first subtle signs and back off. See how her eyes softened when I was at the place where she was more comfortable? From there, she can let her body do the work of relaxing everywhere. This also helps her trust me and makes our sessions more meaningful.
Galina can be really fun to work with on the ground and other times, she is full of beans. Tail and head up really high and snorting like there is a tiger chasing her. Other times she is calm and relaxed and she always has a beautiful walk, trot and canter with stunning muscling. As with bodywork it is important to soften with her before she gets overstimulated and nervous. Having a smile on my face and giving her kind feedback helps her to stay with me and work together.
Galina likes to be part of the group and when not being ridden, she is happy to be ground tied and watch a lesson. As long as she is with others she is very content.

This was a great session we had a few years ago and look at how far this girl can stretch. You never know when a horse is really feeling it and how they will show what is working for them. I was totally amazed by her wanting to stretch and showing me how limber she really is.
Galina the Ballerina